60mins Remote Healing Session. Health Waiver required prior to healing session.
Service Description
DISTANCE HEALING SESSION 60mins; Cost AUD$190. This session is generally managed remotely but can be managed by phone if preferred. HEALTH WAIVER: An online health waiver MUST be completed prior to your session, this is a professional requirement as part of my ENERGY THERAPIES ASSOCIATION membership and for insurance purposes. 60min HEALING SESSSION: Your healing session may include any or all of the following ~ (1) Discussions and Consultations; (2) Energy Healing (working with Seikhem, Ashati, Alsemia, and Soul Rescue); (3) Spiritual Healing (working with Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Plant Spirits, Animal Spirits, and Ancestral Healers); (4) Sound Healing (working with Solfeggio Tuning Forks, Percussion Instruments, Shamanic Drum, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Voice and Affirmations); (5) Vibrational Healing (working with Aura Soma Vibrational Quintessence); (6) Crystal Healing (working with Crystals, Crystal Singing Bowls and Crystal Pendulums); and (7) Plant Medicine (working with First Light Flower Essences of NZ). CANCELLATION POLICY: When you book your appointment, you're holding a space in my calendar that's no longer available to our other customers. Your appointments and well-being are very important to me, and I understand that sometimes, unexpected delays can occur, making schedule adjustments. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, I respectfully request 48 hours notice. Any cancellations received 48 hours or more in advance of your appointment time will not incur any fees, and will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made within 48 hours will receive a 50% refund.
Cancellation Policy
CANCELLATION POLICY~ Please read these terms and conditions of use carefully - they apply all readings and healing services only. Cancellations Policy for Readings & Healings ~ When you book your appointment, you're holding a space in my calendar that's no longer available to our other customers. Your appointments and well-being are very important to me, and I understand that sometimes, unexpected delays can occur, making schedule adjustments. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, I respectfully request 48 hours notice. Any cancellations received 48 hours or more in advance of your appointment time will not incur any fees, and will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made within 48 hours will receive a 50% refund.
Contact Details
+ 61 431 539 228
https://maps.app.goo.gl/nBGSDZepRgE7KC6B7 2/21 Passfield Street, Brunswick West VIC, Australia